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The Religion of Science Fiction
by staff, Oct 27, 2009
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Sometimes the future of religion in outer space is conspicuous by its absence. Consider this blog entry that compares the absence of religion on Star Trek: The Next Generation, with its presence on Babylon 5. The commander of the Babylon 5 space station is a Catholic raised by Jesuits. His second-in-command is a Russian Jew. Various shows highlighted interaction of Catholic monks and alien faiths. Also, the entire Deep Space Nine series carried a narrative of protecting the Bajorans, or religious freedom fighters modeled on Jewish Zionists whose deeply mystical religion was the  core of their culture.

More often than not science fiction often articulates the consequences of a technological future in terms of religious constructs. Kreuziger devotes a whole book to this subject of monarchial or apocalyptic themes of science fiction, in his book The Religion of Science Fiction (1986)

URL: http://www.wnrf.org/cms/religion_sciencefiction.shtml

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