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Neohumanist Educational Futures
by Marcus Bussey, Jan 4, 2007
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Neohumanist Educational Futures breaks new ground by linking neohumanism (the expansion of humanism to include nature and deep spirituality) with pedagogy and futures thinking.

Inayatullah, Bussey and Milojevic, all educators, theorize the ethics of inclusion and exclusion; situate neohumanism in Tantric and transcultural futures; map out issues in neohumanist pedagogy (including, education for world futures; from information to wisdom; social cohesion in South Africa; speciesism and vegetarian pedagogy in Sweden; alternative indicators for neohumanism; integrated intelligence, peace and non-violence, partnership education; and the politics of historiography) and provide case studies of neohumanist educational practice. Interspersed throughout this text are short pieces by Indian mystic and author, P.R. Sarkar; Gurukul Vice-Chancellor, Shambushivananda and an interview with Paulo Freire conducted by social activist Maheshvarananda.

Along with Inayatullah, Bussey and Milojevic, contributing authors include Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta, Tobin Hart, Marcus Anthony, Riane Eisler, Marlene de Beer, Helena Pederson, Vachel Miller, Peter Hayward, Joseph Voros and Mahajyoti Glassman.

The authors argue that the current paradigms of uni and multiculturalism have reached their limits (and the tensions between them)  - a new approach, as in neohumanism or transcultural and transcendental sustainability, is required for humanity to move forward, and while doing so include those it has pushed aside.

To create this alternative future, a new educational philosophy and practice is required; one that inspires but does not become yet another method to be tamed and imitated. Rather, it must awaken the intellect from its narrow boundaries (nationalist, religious) toward planetary spirituality. Education in this future would be holistic - physical, mental and spiritual; ecologically and technologically driven; global and local in its orientation, and person based, meeting the changing evolutionary and developmental needs of each child and adult, teacher and student-learner.


Cost - $30 AUD (or 25 US$) per copy, plus postage. Discount for orders of five or more. Copies can also be ordered from the publisher, http://www.metafuture.org/Books/nh_educational_futures.htm


This wonderful book is timely.  It enhances education to include those things which can be readily understood rationally and those things we don't necessarily have a rational explanation for, but nevertheless have an intuitive, often nonlocal relationship with, such as a new(er) understanding of the convergence of science and spirituality, the two as integral to each other and not separate from each other.  The authors have shown us that Neohumanism through educational futures can offer a needed respite for organizations from their current addiction to consumerism.  Neohumanism as a vital leadership challenge - how to demonstrate performance management (rational analyses) but at the same time put this into the context of purpose and meaning attribution (non rational, post rational, non local).  This, from an organizational perspective, permits us to shift our behaviour from the current hypothesized, but I believe immature belief, "that the business of business is business. No apology required" to behaving as responsible members, responsible adults, of the global community which brings with it the welfare of both current and future generations. It brings hope.

Dr Robert Burke, Program Director, Melbourne Business School, Mt Eliza Centre for Executive Education, Melbourne, Australia.

Provides a refreshing new future for global education. Inspiring and thought provoking.

Dr. Kuo-hua Chen, Dean, Global Research and Development, Tamkang University, Lanyang Campus, Taiwan.

Neo-humanist Educational Future  contributes to the work of creating a global renaissance in education and culture. I believe that readers will be pleasantly surprised to find in neo-humanism the best vision of a bright
future for the world.

Dada Jyotirupananda, Editor, New Renaissance magazine  (www.ru.org), Mainz, Germany and London, England.


Dr. Sohail Inayatullah is Professor, Tamkang University, Taiwan, Adjunct Professor, University of the Sunshine Coast and Associate, Transcend Peace University

Marcus Bussey lectures at the University of the Sunshine Coast and teaches at Alcheringa Montessori College.

Dr. Ivana Milojevic is Director of Research, Metafuture.org and lectures at the University of Queensland and the University of the Sunshine Coast.


URL: http://www.wnrf.org/cms/neohumanist_educational_futures_book.shtml

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